Sunday, July 19, 2009

Children of the Laborers

They are rebuilding the drainage ditch outside the wall of our house, which is also the edge of the Neeti Bagh gated community. It has involved weeks of manual labor, digging sewage out of the old ditch, and then hauling that away and bringing in cart loads of bricks and sand for the mistries (brick layers) to build new brick walls to line the new channel. There are 3 driveways, including ours with newly laid marble slabs that have to be transversed (not a word apparently but it's what I mean~!). Two have been torn out - that is hammered into small pieces by two men with 20 pound sledge hammers. Ours is not yet done - can't imagine what the landlord will say when their brand new, costly driveway ramp is destroyed... But this is what the laborer's children did the afternoon that it rained on the driveway ...
The children are here every day - some days sleeping on the driveway, some days playing in the sand piles - they are pictured above. One of the women workers stops and breast feeds the baby. Two boys on their way home from school wanted their pictures taken too so here they are for all the world to see.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Delhi via Istanbul Again

Back in Delhi after 7 weeks. We stopped in Istanbul for 24 hours because the flight from Chicago was 11 hours plus. The Holiday Inn near the airport was quite luxurious - surprisingly and very Turkish not surprisingly. We went to the Museum of Modern Art which we had tried very hard to find at the beginning of May but couldn't find. It is set across the Golden Horn from Sultanamehet right on the bank of the Sea of Marmara. It is only 5 years old but has a big collection breath take-ingly displayed. It reminded us of the Tate Modern and the new modern addition to the Art Institute in Chicago. Definitely a world class museum. The spires of minarets all over the modern city are reminders to remember God and to remember to pray every time they are glimpsed. We flew on June 24 arriving in Delhi at 4 AM on June 25. It was horrifingly hot but the monsoon more or less began this Tuesday. Temperatures went down from 115 to 100. At least bearable.